
无忧装饰建材网 www.51zsjc.com 2007-6-26 来源:  评论 0 条

展会时间: 2007-10-03 到 2007-10-06 
展会地址: 米兰国际展览中心
主办单位: VITRUM 
联系方法: 电话:010-62023601 传真:010-82030804
电子邮件: aiaolia84@126.com
联系人: 张森



一、 展览会介绍
1、展会名称:意大利米兰国际玻璃展览会(VITRUM 2007)。
5、上届展会情况:自1979年举办以来,已经有27年历史,每2年一届。上届展会,展商共438个,意大利展商269个,来自24个国家的169个海外展商。参观者比03年增长23%,其中10103位意大利专业观众,5915位 海外观众, 在四天展会中有16018位玻璃专业人士前来参观。
Building on the success of the 2005 exhibition, Vitrum 2007 confirms the excellent trend by offering exhibitors an innovative, functional and unique showcase, which is the brainchild of architect Massimiliano Fuksas, the designer of Milan’s new exhibition center.
Vitrum 2007 couldn’t have chosen a better stage because of the exhibitor spaces, which comply with international standards, and the logistics, which meet the needs of the many visitors that are expected.
The Sail - a glass and steel architectural element that is the symbol of Fiera Milano - will be the setting for what is currently one of the glass industry’s leading international appointments: Vitrum.
The exhibition organizers will be providing 30.000 square meters of net exhibition space. The spaces for the stands have been arranged to offer the best access and visibility for the exhibitors who, based on the figures available to date, should total more than 450. Current forecasts of visitor attendance numbers are also looking good with a total of 20.000 people expected during the 4-day event.
These numbers are very different from those posted at the first sessions of Vitrum, highlighting the fact that the exhibition has been growing steadily over the years, and are a testament to the importance it holds for companies and the trade. These results reflect the market’s constant search for new solutions and technologies and show it is a non-static sector that continues to grow. This continues to drive the development of the entire glass industry which includes not only Italy and Europe but also Asia, the Middle East, United States, Canada, South America and Oceania

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